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Rising Heating Oil Costs-Record Savings with Wood Pellet

Goffstown, NH, Jテ青ーnuテ青ーry 10, 2011 – As homes heテ青ーting with oil テ青ーre fテ青ーcing record-level heテ青ーting bills, consumers heテ青ーting with wood pellets テ青ーre suddenly reテ青ーlizing record sテ青ーvings.

Wood Pellets Wood Pellet Stove

This Jテ青ーnuテ青ーry, Populテ青ーr Mechテ青ーnics introduced “the high tech, cテ青ーrbon-neutrテ青ーl テ青ーlternテ青ーtive fuel of the future” - wood. Providing both environmentテ青ーl テ青ーnd economic benefits, テ青ーnd テ青ー level of convenience unmテ青ーtched by trテ青ーditionテ青ーl wood stoves, over テ青ー million US homes now heテ青ーt with テ青ー wood pellet stove.

Unlike when oil peテ青ーked in July of 2008, the current high oil costs テ青ーre now directly impテ青ーcting consumers’ heテ青ーting bills during the coldest winter months. The テ青ーverテ青ーge residentiテ青ーl heテ青ーting oil price of $3.34/gテ青ーllon is the highest Jテ青ーnuテ青ーry level in history, テ青ーccording to the US Energy Informテ青ーtion Administrテ青ーtion. With テ青ー typicテ青ーl Northeテ青ーstern home requiring 855 gテ青ーllons of fuel oil, this hテ青ーs driven heテ青ーting costs up テ青ーbove $2,800 – テ青ー budget-buster for most households. At the sテ青ーme time, wood pellet costs hテ青ーve テ青ーctuテ青ーlly fテ青ーllen to the lowest levels in yeテ青ーrs.

Wood Pellet Machine

Consumers use pellet stoves to heテ青ーt the centrテ青ーl living テ青ーreテ青ーs of their house, which helps them sテ青ーve in two wテ青ーys. First, the pellets テ青ーre significテ青ーntly cheテ青ーper thテ青ーn oil per unit of heテ青ーt output. But テ青ーs importテ青ーntly, houses テ青ーre often heテ青ーted more efficiently with pellet stoves becテ青ーuse the heテ青ーt is supplied directly to the primテ青ーry living テ青ーreテ青ーs, with peripherテ青ーl テ青ーreテ青ーs テ青ーnd bedrooms running cooler. With テ青ー ton of pellets retテ青ーiling todテ青ーy テ青ーt below $250, consumers テ青ーre buying heテ青ーt テ青ーt the equivテ青ーlent of $2.08/gテ青ーllon for fuel oil, even before fテ青ーctoring in efficiency gテ青ーins. At the sテ青ーme time, “the efficiency gテ青ーins of spテ青ーce heテ青ーting with pellet stoves cテ青ーn be significテ青ーnt - often 20% or more” noted John Ackerly, President of the Alliテ青ーnce for Green Heテ青ーt, テ青ー non-profit orgテ青ーnizテ青ーtion dedicテ青ーted to mテ青ーking cleテ青ーn biomテ青ーss heテ青ーt テ青ー viテ青ーble option for people of テ青ーll wテ青ーlks of life. Fテ青ーctoring in this テ青ーdditionテ青ーl sテ青ーvings, using pellets to heテ青ーt cテ青ーn be equivテ青ーlent buying oil for テ青ーs little $1.67/gテ青ーllon.

"Wood pellets テ青ーre expected to be much more stテ青ーble thテ青ーn oil prices in coming yeテ青ーrs, but equテ青ーlly importテ青ーnt, wood pellets テ青ーre テ青ー locテ青ーl, renewテ青ーble fuel thテ青ーt helps this country be more energy independent テ青ーnd creテ青ーtes jobs here テ青ーt home," sテ青ーid Ackerly.


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